Protect Your Sleep From Bed Bugs
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Bed Bug Treatment in Southern California

Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights! Don’t let bed bugs disrupt your peace of mind. With over 44 years of expertise, Bug Squad POW! Exterminating offers reliable, family-friendly bed bug solutions that guarantee a restful night's sleep. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Same-Day Bed Bug Inspection: Detect and address infestations fast with our prompt, thorough inspections.
  • Family-Friendly Bed Bug Treatments: Safe and effective options designed to protect your loved ones while getting rid of bed bugs.
  • Bed Bug Exclusion: Prevent future infestations with tailored exclusion strategies that block bed bugs from entering your home again.
  • Fumigation and Tenting Services: For severe cases, our fumigation and tenting services effectively target and eliminate bed bugs at every stage of life.
  • Chemical Treatments: Proven chemical solutions to eradicate bed bugs swiftly and thoroughly.

Why Choose Bug Squad POW! Exterminating?

Because we understand that bed bugs aren’t just a nuisance—they invade your comfort and peace. Let us be your trusted bed bug exterminator in Southern California, so you can sleep tight and wake up bite-free.

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Don't Let Bed Bugs Steal Your Sleep!

With over 44 years of experience, Bug Squad POW! Exterminating is here to help you get rid of bed bugs and enjoy a worry-free night again. Discover our comprehensive bed bug control services:

  • Same-Day Bed Bug Inspection: Quick, thorough inspections to detect bed bugs before they spread further.
  • Customized Bed Bug Treatments: Safe and effective solutions tailored to your home, targeting bed bugs where they hide.
  • Powerful Bed Bug Fumigation: For severe infestations, our fumigation service reaches every corner to eliminate bed bugs completely.
  • Targeted Chemical Bed Bug Treatments: Proven treatments to eradicate bed bugs and ensure long-lasting protection.
  • 1-Year Warranty: Sleep soundly knowing your home is covered for a full year against bed bugs.

Your Comfort is Our Priority
We provide a two-hour arrival window, and treatments take just 45-60 minutes. You’ll need to prepare by vacuuming, and our expert technician will handle the rest. Afterward, enjoy peace of mind with a required follow-up treatment two weeks later, ensuring those bed bugs are gone for good!

service area map

Areas We Service in Southern California

We proudly offer our expert pest control services throughout Southern California, catering to a wide variety of neighborhoods across the region. Check to see if we service your area: 

Dana Point
Foothill Ranch
Huntington Beach
Laguna Beach
San Juan Capistrano
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
San Diego County
Los Angeles County
Orange County
And More!
5 Star Review

Have gone thru numerous Pest Control companies, but have stayed with these guys for quite a few years now. Only Pest Control company I recommend!

Main Office
5 Star Review

They are very quick response, professional, fair price, has 2weeks guarantee.

Highly recommend service they have!

Thank you for your help Josh.

Main Office
5 Star Review

I am very pleased with the termite service that is being provided by Josh. Previously we had a service contract with another termite exterminating firm. Josh made a thorough inspection of our home and offered a service program that I believe is superior to the service provided by the other firm.

Our attic was sprayed with timbor as a preventative measure against drywood termites and areas of the exterior ground were sprayed as a preventative measure against subterranean termites.

Evan Gost
Main Office
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